Card Game

At #cooperation:paf, we experimented with a card game made of two or three decks: concepts, questions, and tactics.

Game Play



Ask a question related to your technological practice, understanding, concerns or difficulties.

  • Do you sometimes feel alone when sharing local concerns or engaging in critical thinking?
  • What do you find difficult when you try to convey complex ideas about your practice?
  • How do you ensure follow-up of the people involved?
  • What difficulties do you meet to ensure perennity of your group?
  • How do you use surveillance systems?
  • What makes you think others are touched or resonate with your proposition?
  • What are the informatics tools you use everyday?
  • What makes your actions meaningful?
  • Was your community ever hit hard by software? (unavailability, malfunction, inadequacy, etc.)
  • How do you share what you produce electronically?
  • How do you make your knowledge evolve? What actions do you take to make your knowledge evolve?



  • Describe the structure of the problem space.
    Circumscribe the issue(s) at hand with key factors.

  • Assume solidarity.
    Turn any limit into a constraint that you can use for collaboration.


  • Watch out for operations.
    Dissect the operations transforming the structure.
    alternate proposition:
    Dissect and understand the relation between the different moments when the structure transforms


  • Displacement
    Present the same situation in another environment, for example what would happen if we were talking about food.

Common Time

  • Remove yourself from emergency.
    Consider the lack of time as an illusion: time is a co-creation, organize moments to construct together another space for living.


  • Embrace reciprocity.
    Work in the open. Explain what it could bring you or your community.


  • Jump!
    Prolong your thought with concrete action.


  • Examine how the relation is mediated by whom.
    Instantaneous communication often do not elicit the mediated relation.


  • Find the excluded third.
    Think of what is necessary to produce the process described and that is usally not taken into account.


  • Relations in digital space engage you.
    Reformulate the issue in a space that associate people in mutual respect.


  • Follow the source. Share the source, solo…
    Explore reciprocity and the long term benefits of sharing your praxis.

  • Discuss an opposite perspective.
    Flip the situation over and develop antagonist aspects.


  • Ask yourself where you are speaking from.
    Clarify your point of view in relation to the issue and your audience.


  • Identify resonant places.
    Look for existing organizations of like-minded people sharing similar concerns.
  • Hear what is unspoken.
    Read between the lines, learn from history, uncover what remained silenced.


  • Find a porous part.
    Break through the apparent solidity to a more fragile way to approach the problem.


  • Listen carefully.
    Some other meaning is escaping you. Find it!

  • Reformulate.
    Explain again differently and acquire new understanding.

Speculative Fiction

  • Some part of the story might be untold.
    Imagine possible histories stemming from usually discarded possibilities.


  • 1+1=1
    Consider the intricate relations in that situation, how does co-depencies bring the possibility of an evolution.


  • Start from the center.
    Seize the emerging dimensions that are bringing resolution.


  • Unfold commonalities.
    Discern affections and perceptions, differences that make similarities.
  • I am because we are.
    Think of ways to transform the situation that could as well transform your relation to someone else, or to a group of persons.

Card game prototype preview 1

  • Tactics:
    • displacement

public space

  • online is not public space; it’s a space of circulation, not of sedimentation.

Card game prototype preview 2


  1. Player one picks a Question card
  2. Player two brings a related example
  3. Player three picks a Tactic card
  4. Group interprets the example and question using the tactic
  5. Experts come back to free software and collective practices to wrap up

Draw 1

  • Q: Was your community hit hard by software?
  • Ex: What’s App and Bolsonaro
  • T/C: 180deg perspective / Location

Draw 2

  • Q:
  • Ex
  • T/C: / inseparability

Draw 3

  • Q: What makes your actions meaningful?
  • Ex: crowdfunding for charity
  • T/C: problem space / Agency

Draw 4

  • Q: How do you use surveillance systems?
  • Ex: sometimes I look behind me using my phone. Traffic jam can be determined by aggregation of phone signals.
  • T/C: assume solidarity / Agency

Draw 5

  • Q: difficulty group perennity?
  • Ex: discrepancies of proficiency…
  • T/C: Follow the source. Share the source, solo / intra-action


  • Tactics might use only one concept word.

Technologies just don’t rain on you; they’re constructed collectively.

  • 3 card decks:
    • questions
    • tactics
    • concepts

Anatomy of a turn

Each turn covers 2 or more cards.

  1. Player one draws a Question, reads it aloud, and shares what this question evokes.
  2. Player two draws a Tactic, reads it aloud, and replies to the question following this constraint.
  3. Player three draws a Concept card to reframe the conversation towards one of the topics.

Additional Tactic cards can be drawn to refine the understanding.

Question cards

  1. Do you sometimes feel lonely when sharing social concerns or engaging in critical thinking?
  2. What is the role of technology when you try to convey complex ideas about your practice?
  3. What influence have electronic media on the way to ensure follow-up of the people involved in your actions?
  4. What communication difficulties do you meet to ensure perennity of your group?
  5. How do you use surveillance systems?
  6. What makes you think others are touched or resonate with your proposition?
  7. What are the informatics tools you use everyday?
  8. What reactions of others do you perceive as encouraging, where do you get this feedback?
  9. Was your community ever hit hard by software? (Unavailability, malfunction, inadequacy…)
  10. How to do you share what you produce electronically?
  11. How do you make your knowledge evolve? What actions to do take to make your knowledge evolve?
  12. What makes your actions meaningful?

Tactics cards

  1. Describe the structure of the problem space
    Circumscribe the issue(s) at hand with key factors.
  2. Identify resonant places
    Look for existing organizations of like-minded people sharing similar concerns.
  3. Embrace reciprocity
    Work in the open. Explain what it could bring you or your community.
  4. Discuss an opposite perspective
    Flip the situation over and develop antagonist aspects.
  5. Follow the source. Share the source, solo…
    Explore reciprocity and the long term benefits of sharing your praxis.

Prototype set of tactic cards

Print: cards-for-printing.pdf (223.9 KB)
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cards cards-for-printing
cards-for-printing3.pdf (114.8 KB)
cards-for-printing2.pdf (76.9 KB)

tactics1.pdf (15.4 KB)
tactics2.pdf (15.9 KB)
tactics3.pdf (14.4 KB)
