What is the Third TechnoScape (3TS)?

This conference aims to explore the concept of 3TS, embedded in the diversity of life, through the convergence of our commitments with various use-cases that will be developed here, each in its own topic, to help us understand some facets of Singular Technologies and situate them in a Third-Technoscape.

In this perspective we invite you to engage in an online conversation on around these two concepts. This will be the main source of our writing, and will take a form between interview and manifesto according to how the conversation evolves: the journey is important.

Together we’re going to report about the practice based research we have been leading in Brussels, involving a number of alternative structures involving community and location, to illustrate various aspects of the concept of Third-Technoscape (3TS).

The Third Technoscape constitutes and is constituted of Singular technologies, like a stitching it binds different situations, each unveils the modes of existence of Singular Technologies within specific peer practices. The realization of the existence out from the market and into practice lead us to reclaiming their condition of existence.

I would write : "A collaborative map which enables citizens to make “shared resources” visible, in the cities of Belgium.

Thank you @mathieu, I updated the text.

Yes can you detail how you see the relation between make ressources visible and citizen participation?

je suis en train de traduire le jeu en italien :slight_smile:
en particulier ce serait dans le but de m’en servir pour un cours intitulé Technologie Critique dans le cadre d’un master en études & politiques de genre à Rome (prévu pour juin2022).

Comment peut-on s’organiser pour la mise en page des cartes ?

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Je dois remettre la main sur les sources en SVG pour faciliter le travail…

Est-ce que tu seras à OFFDEM ?

hélas ça me semble improbable pour l’instant…

Quel dommage. En attendant, @natacha a retrouvé une copie du SVG source des cartes :


I realized this SVG does not have tactics cards. I’ll probably make another one…

I made a proper version of the 3TS Card Game SVG in English.

In order to print the cards, some layer combinations must be done. I tried to make it intuitive which ones must be combined to obtain the original set of cards.

When time permits, I’ll document and/or make a script to generate all the PDF files individually.

In the meantime you’re welcome @lula to use this as a source file for your Italian translation, and @natacha to distribute for the Feminist Infrastructure workshop.

here are my translations of the game into Italian :slight_smile:
cartes-recto-questions.pdf (17.0 KB)
carte-recto-autres-règles.pdf (15.0 KB)
cartes-recto-tactique.pdf (21.8 KB)

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@lula thank you again for your fantastic work! I especially like this translation:

Here is the updated SVG with Italian translations. I need to export the PDFs for printing, which is not super easy since each time 3 layers must be selected, and I’m still trying to figure out a way to do this easily with Inkscape 1.2. I’ll try having them all ready for printing tomorrow.

https://zoethical.org/share/3ts-cards.svg (EN and IT)

There’s a question pending, with regard to the Transduction tactical card (below). Most people do not understand what it means. Do you have the same issue in Italian? Should we replace it or try some different phrasing?

I almost finished exporting tactical cards… Will do Q tomorrow. Cheers!

I’m controlling the PDF files to ensure cuts will be fine, and that they’re all in the same 600dpi format. I will upload a ZIP file containing all PDFs shortly, including printing instructions, which should be straightforward:

For each card type (Q for question, T for Tactics, I for Info) there is a VERSO card which is the back of the card. Each other card has a name: Q01 to Q12, T01 to T22, IRULES and IINFO for information cards.

@lula here comes the updated 3TS files in Italian.

@how thank you for the mise en page !!

concerning the Transduction card: I agree it can be a bit opaque… the way I understand it’s about forsaking a centralised view and letting the margins, the oblique come into focus. But then I am intepreting it as a matter of Vision rather than displacement (Transduction).
It would be something like:


Cogli le dimensioni emergenti lontano dal centro per trovare una risoluzione.

Although I’m not sure if it’s clearer!

Indeed, I thought « Lascia il centro » was entirely different from what Simondon means, which would be closer to « Iniziare dal centro ».

We’ve been thinking about this card a lot because it seems mostly incomprehensible when you don’t come from a Simondonian background. Here is another attempt at it in English:

Yet again, this might become difficult when considering a situation with only « object », since most people understand individual as a human being. Considering terms of a relation, the idea of starting from the center is to consider first the materiality of the relation, and take act that both terms do not pre-exist this relation: their encounter individuates them, and make them different “individuals” than they were before—a bit like the Chinese saying about the fisher and the river[1].

  1. A fisher never fishes in the same river twice ; he’s not the same fisher, and the river neither. ↩︎

ha! Yes, I thought you meant ‘partir’ dans le sens d’abandonner…
then I was totally à coté de la plaque :rofl:

A translation for the card you posted could be:

Le individualità emergono dalle relazioni.

Ogni incontro trasforma chi vi partecipa. Esplora questi passaggi di stato verso una risoluzione.

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to feed a bit the conversation:

La transduction désigne l’opération par laquelle deux ou plusieurs ordres de réalités incommensurables entrent en résonance et deviennent commensurables par l’invention d’une dimension qui les articule et par passage à un ordre plus riche en structures — source WP

« Tout se passe comme si l’équilibre métastable ne pouvait être rompu que par l’apport local d’une singularité […] capable de rompre cet équilibre métastable ; une fois amorcée, la transformation se propage, car l’action qui s’est exercée au début entre le germe […] et le corps métastable s’exerce ensuite de proche en proche entre les parties déjà transformées et les parties non encore transformées » (IPB, p. 95). — source Cairn

The paragraph about transduction is almost towards the middle of the article.

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