Part 1: Life is Diversity
Life is fostered by its diversity so is critical tech, in decentralised projects.
→ Following Devuan, we decided to use a forum to discuss the existing and a Third TechnoScape
Where we are coming from.
Gilles Clément Le Tiers Paysage :
« Fragment indécidé du jardin planétaire, le Tiers paysage est constitué de l’ensemble des lieux délaissés par l’homme. Ces marges assemblent une diversité biologique qui n’est pas à ce jour repertoriée comme
Tiers paysage renvoie à tiers-état (et non à Tiers-monde). Espace n’exprimant ni le pouvoir ni la soumission au pouvoir.
Il se réfère au pamphlet de Siesyes en 1789 :
« Qu’est-ce que le tiers-état ? - Tout.
Qu’a-t-il fait jusqu’à présent ? - Rien.
Qu’aspire-t-il à devenir ? - Quelque chose. »
Techno-science develop a pre-emptive approach to everything, where a map precedes the territory. This top-down process amplifies the pregnance of efficient technological practices, but also their uniformization over any other consideration. Industrial technology production addresses a general case, omitting singularities. The primacy of the map over the territory in our society prompted us to explore the conditions of success of alternative, situated practices.
We engaged in the liminal spaces of city fringes where a diversity of life develops, and came to focus on technological practices that would be embedded in specific contexts.
The Third Technoscape constitutes and is constituted of Singular technologies, like a stitching it binds different situations, each unveils the modes of existence of Singular Technologies within specific peer practices. The realization of the existence out from the market and into practice lead us to reclaiming their condition of existence.
From our experience with free software, we work towards the formulation of singular technologies , or technologies that foster human agency and critical, intentional technology production, adapted to local usage: “rooting technologies”. Singular technologies are conditioned by an active presence, and an engagement of the community. Their production involve many different aspects that hybridize them with life ensuring their diversity and perennity.
Shedding lights also means casting shadows. In the shades of capitalist hegemony and ideology, we cast the 3TS to respond to the reductionist market-driven fallacy of “Third Space”, between home and the workplace, where social capital can easily be captured and executed while the worker’s guard is lowered. Not only the pervasiveness of technologies make such notions as home and work porous to the point of dissolution, but the rapidly deteriorating conditions of existence of the living often do not respond anymore to such criteria : the homeless meet the jobless in the darkness left over by the predatory shadow of mainstream propaganda.
Reclaiming Singular Technologies
At this point the reader has a good idea what kind of resistance 3TS is characterizing. From our use-cases, we can explore the granularity of ST that make them distinct from, and slippery to market-driven technoscience. We insist on the step aside that can make us see the flatness and compose with interstices and “sociologies of scale” to enable ST and resist the apparent ineluctability of capitalist hegemony.
We have found old/new working models in our different realms for example : local commitment with proximity food distribution systems, collective living together, etc. Do we have functioning examples? How do we sustain them in everyday life?
Part 2: Concepts and definitions
Anti-patterns to get away from imposed patterns that tend to become falsely self-evident
Open-World Assumption
The open-world assumption (OWA) codifies the informal notion that in general no single agent or observer has complete knowledge , and therefore cannot make the closed-world assumption—that all truth is known to be true.
3TS Reader
Power is antithetical. Capitalism is the great devourer, the ultimate carnivorous system, that will devour itself and all life, like Orobouros with terminal cancer. The antibodies, though, slowly self-organize against this accelerating vital threat, to denounce, deconstruct, deflect, and dismiss this great autophagus, and to provide new narratives to counter its suicidal tendency. This little reader is an attempt at summarizing contemporary literature of the resistance and at bringing forward concepts and intellectual reference and tools to fight back the cancer of Capitalist civilization, to disroot its rotten core of racism, imperialism, brutality and sexism[1], to finally put an end to oppression.
Do you know about important concepts useful to technicians and free software collective practitioners?
Part 3: Encounters and propagation
Trans · Hack · ·X·st·nce
In English Welcome to THX 2022 proposal! THX will happen from July 10th untill July 20th in Ozeraine (Eus) (see practical infos) Breaking though “after, everyone goes home, and nothing has changed.” As customary with THX, in the follow-up of...
Reading time: 3 mins 🕑
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