AMRO Presentation

Part 1: Life is Diversity

Life is fostered by its diversity so is critical tech, in decentralised projects.

What is the Third TechnoScape (3TS)?

→ Following Devuan, we decided to use a forum to discuss the existing and a Third TechnoScape

Where we are coming from.

Gilles Clément Le Tiers Paysage :

« Fragment indécidé du jardin planétaire, le Tiers paysage est constitué de l’ensemble des lieux délaissés par l’homme. Ces marges assemblent une diversité biologique qui n’est pas à ce jour repertoriée comme

Tiers paysage renvoie à tiers-état (et non à Tiers-monde). Espace n’exprimant ni le pouvoir ni la soumission au pouvoir.

Il se réfère au pamphlet de Siesyes en 1789 :
« Qu’est-ce que le tiers-état ? - Tout.
Qu’a-t-il fait jusqu’à présent ? - Rien.
Qu’aspire-t-il à devenir ? - Quelque chose. »

From Where We Are Working


We have found old/new working models in our different realms for example : local commitment with proximity food distribution systems, collective living together, etc. Do we have functioning examples? How do we sustain them in everyday life?

Part 2: Concepts and definitions

Anti-patterns to get away from imposed patterns that tend to become falsely self-evident

Open-World Assumption

The open-world assumption (OWA) codifies the informal notion that in general no single agent or observer has complete knowledge, and therefore cannot make the closed-world assumption—that all truth is known to be true.

3TS Reader


  • Do you know about important concepts useful to technicians and free software collective practitioners?

Part 3: Encounters and propagation

Trans · Hack · ·X·st·nce


  • Do you have any questions?

Slides & Tabs

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3