Jeu vide-a: une exploration intersectionelle

Exploring collectively, feministand intersectional possibilities of vide-a game by learning Godot Engine software

French above

These workshops will take place around 2 axes, a reflection on contemporary languages on contemporary video games from a feminist perspective, and the learning of video game programming by the free software Godot Engine.

Since the episode of “Gamergate” a few years ago, and partly thanks to the work of feminist academics such as: Anita Sarkeesian (feminist frequency), among others, we now have a better understanding of gender relations in video games. Since then, a number of video games have paid attention to the staging of female characters: (“The last of us” or “Child of light” for example, others are transforming certain aspects of “game-play”, “Never alone” or “Gone home”, or modifying their graphic approach to include elements more familiar to women. There are also a number of attempts to build more collaborative environments, to experiment with other formats, such as “Tacoma” (by the same studio as “Gone Home”) or Iconoclast (which offers a narrative choice based on principles of repair and collaboration) but so far there is still no attempt to develop a video game format that captures feminist and collaborative principles, by transforming the modalities of video games.


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