Awakening territories to life

Awakening territories to life

Projects engaging our networks beyond Petites Singularités.

You’ve reached, where we (:ps:) are experimenting with implication, participation, and cooperation (an aesthetics of free software). Care (formerly Zoethics) is the public working group to walk the talk and carve useful concepts out of concrete collective experience in the domains of free technologies and collective action.

Awakening Territories to Life

This conference specifically aims at supporting action and elaborating a public discourse on such aesthetics through accounts of collective experience at the crossing of collective practice and free technologies. The Third TechnoScape and Singular Technologies, at the heart we were offered to take an experimental approach to our contribution.

  • #cooperation:3rd-technoscape that formalizes our research on human-technology hybridization and the (in)formation of collective resistance / resistance collectives.
    Care is is the place where we want to share this work with you, crafting and carving these concepts from our experience and your intersectional struggles.
    Care also hosts a number of shared private work space for different collaborations, they can be accesse dby joining their respective working groups: petites singularités

The conference spans a number of public and private groups including federated feeds from the different community forum we are hosting maintaining or actively engaged in moderating :

  • thx : Collective speculative fiction, weaving words and imaginaries for resistance. THX forum is associated to THX residencies and Publications.
  • #OFFDEM : Over Fierce Freedom Dying Empires Mourn OFFDEm is a yearly freesoftware community meeting in Brussels and decentralised
  • #Hack20: Community Driven Water Hacktivism, Water investigations methods and coordination.
  • #socialhub: social hub is not from p.s. although we were instrumental to it, it brings toguether software projects implementing Activity Pub.
  • #Taler ICH : Join Integration Community Hub to disuss Taler privacy preserving payment sytem implementations , and NGI Taler supporting Taler’s deployment in the eurozone.
  • #Maison des Migrantst: a forum at the service of undocumented citizens, supporting their recounting and memory of their resistance.
  • #Eukairos: Un festival annuel de fiction speculative à Bruxlles

This forum hosts a few working groups, each with specific domains of inquiry:

  • Petites Singularités (petites singularités) is the workspace for the non-profit organization hosting this forum
  • Accessibilité (Accessibilité) est une collaboration avec la communauté sourde francophone et d’autres communautés qui requièrent une approche adaptée aux technologies, nourrissant la réflexion sur l’inclusivité et la normalisation des technologies.
  • Migration (Migration) focuses on EU policy to recognize free software as a distinct technology uniquely suited to build public infrastructure, and bring forth a requirement that public money funds public software.

We welcome participation, in the form of conversation, interviews, reports, and other forms to unfold as we go. Watch this space!

René Daumal: “On appelle ici art l’accomplissement d’un savoir dans une action.”

As we aim in our different projects to create a specific discourse, we think our actions in the context of a thoughtful approach of society, artistically we apply the knowledge and reflection we have built in our different experiences to specific actions.

In this regards our practices involve all aspects of our lifes and are not divided in time and social frameworks, as they transform all attached moments of life. So would our technological practice the of the platform we use to communicate, our choice to be (or not connected) always (or not), transforms the fundamentals of the networks we are building, and the actions we do.

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The Tree of 40 Fruits

An amazing and inspiring art work grafting trees together to produce wonder… and fruits.

“Why would you do that? You’d have to come back to the tree to harvest again…”

Yeah, maybe that’s the idea.