On April 20th I will join After
Work Conversations symposium at the Royal Academy of Art in Den Haag.
The session is called play hard, work harder we will discuss with Haïssam Razouk & Peggy Lecouvey from Solidaires Informatique: " how digital technology shapes (future and current) conditions of work, as well as possibilities for class solidarity."
In this context I will present Jeu Vide-A endeavor and its incentive to organize a feminist video game working group functioning on collaborative and co-learning principles.
I will develop about the issues we have been encountering on many aspects,
Video Game history: why did we get there, what got forgotten and invisibilised.
Game history has been told many times and always its relation to industry is considered as a foundational asset never questioned.
- Freedom was developed by Murielle Trami at the same moment as Mario, freedom puts in play a slave escaping a plantation and the player needs to lead him to freedom, one survived history and not the other.
- Artists have been historically been involved in playfulness and game culture Margaret Jarhman Ludic Method explores different forms of eco.nomic play non zero sum [1] However the constraints of the art world are important and differentiate very well Video game Industry from art market that has to respond to innovation codes.https://ps.zoethical.org/t/elements-pour-une-comprehension-des-enjeux-feministes/2451/3https://ps.zoethical.org/t/elements-pour-une-comprehension-des-enjeux-feministes/2451/3
- In the meantime video game players go from Gamer’s gate to Swatting creating a highly toxic game enthronement and very little terrain for critic.
Necessity to set up specific instances to work in a different format.
- Freeing our mindset from existing video game models often considered as granted toward explicitly playful and feminist principles.
- Develop strategies informed by collaborative principles and sisterhood to build up capacity in programming knowledge in order to implement our specific views.
Facing systemic issues when needing to develop further our existing work.
- Women programmers are very scarce and very busy how to reach out them?
- Game development in the global south i as important as it is invisibilised and the access to needed tools and development capacity. Isabelle Arvers has developed a decolonial perspective and a global south game tour.[2]
- Non existence of any framework that support exploration and imposition of specific formats and tools.
Strategies and community
- Reoccupy the digital art and game space: Isabelle Arvers has developed a decolonial perspective and a global south game tour.[2:1]
- Draw different cartographies: Some References
- Free Software community, do we need a different kind of software
- Do we need different kind of work organisation.