PUBLIC Voice Service

The Public Universal Base: Libre Infrastructure Community now provides a Murmur voice service you can access by connecting a Mumble client to, or point your browser to

If you need any help, please reply to this topic and we’ll try our best to help you out!

Mumble Logo

Mumble Clients

It is highly recommended to use a native client over the web interface, as it provides much better results than the web client.

Platform Client Availability
:iphone: Android Mumla F-Droid
:iphone: Android Plumble F-Droid, Gaggle Play
:computer: GNU/Linux Mumble Package manager, Mumble
:iphone: iOS Mumble Mumble, App Store
:iphone: iOS Mumblefy Mumble, App Store
:computer: MacOS Mumble Mumble
:earth_africa: Web mumble-web, Matrix (
:desktop_computer: Windows Mumble Mumble


Before your first connection from a native client (i.e., not the Web), you should run the audio wizard to ensure your voice is transmitted loud and clear to other participants.

The connection dialog allows you to add a server: the server address is, using the default port (64738). It is recommend that you choose a username matching your handle here, and that you label the server so you can find it easily in your favorites.

Alternative: connect via the WWW

Although a native client will provide a better audio experience, you might not be able or willing to install an application. In this case there’s a web-based client that you can use with a modern Web browser. It may or may not work depending on your client, e.g., I could make it work with Chromium, but Firefox failed to detect my microphone. As they say, YMMV.

If you’re willing to use the Web instead of a native client, please point your browser to

If you use Matrix, and especially the Riot Web client, you may join the matrix channel on and connect from there.

Expected Behavior

This service is provided as a gift to the community.
You’re expected to behave with utmost respect to other participants at all times.
A rule of thumb is to be excellent to each other.

In general, as with other audio conferencing systems, please use a headset to avoid feedback loops.

Configuration / Setup

Please spend some time to test and setup your audio before the meeting as to avoid wasting other people’s time. The audio wizard may be difficult to get at first: ensure you’re testing your audio in the same conditions you will be participating to the conference (headphones + microphone, ambient sound) and push your mic volume to the max before it creates audio feedback loop for yourself (you can lower it after the audio wizard has completed to obtain best results.)

Push to Talk (PTT) / Mute

The default configuration for PTT mode is to simulaneously press the Control and Shift keys. Starting with client version 1.3.0, the default mode is voice amplitude, so your microphone won’t be muted, and you might be catching other participants’ voice, creating larsen: if this happens when you do not talk, please mute yourself by pressing the microphone icon (:studio_microphone:).


In general you would use the main room unless you have reasons not to (e.g., you’re on a radio show or a private channel in the THX or PUBLIC parts…)

Welcome, and enjoy your stay!

J’ai comme l’impression que je ne comprends pas le principe… je ne vois pas depuis ma connection web ( comment entrer dans une connection web-audio? J’ai l’impression que mon micro est ouvert mais j’ai l’impression qu’on ne m’entend pas…

Apparemment c’est réglé :wink: (nous sommes en conversation !)

Hey ! FYI: le certificat du serveur a expiré :wink:

Je fais actuellement des tests pour interfacer mumble avec Radio Toc Toc pour pouvoir équiper les squats d’interphones radio et j’ai pensé qu’on pourrait donc commencer par créer des salons pour ZK et Zone Neutre !

J’avais vu mais je ne savais pas quoi faire.

J’ai remis un nouveau certificat pour le service
Puis remis à zéro le mot de passe de SuperUser
Puis viré les personnes enregistrées pour que chacan puisse régénérer un certificat (ou reprendre un certificat existant).

Tu veux utiliser Mumble pour ZK et ZN ?
Pour cela al faudrait trouver comment capturer le son du studio vers la salle Mumble pour pouvoir la relancer vers le studio. Ce serveur n’a pas de carte son. Je sais que @tharyrok avait fait un truc pour ça pour Source voici des années, mais qu’il est passé sur d’autres solutions depuis.

Le mumble est limité à 100 personnes (je vois mal ZK respecter cette limite :slight_smile:

Il y a fredux qui avait fait avec niko tout un set up radio sur mumble je crois que ça marchait super

J’en avais discuté avec @tharyrok.