Code is Law??? Proven False
Suite à nos interactions diverses cette année avec des intervenants du monde juridique ou la question des communaux et celle des pratiques informatiques est peu abordée, les enjeux collectifs et technologiques étant le plus souvent noyés dans des batailles juridiques infinies.
Dans un moment de l’histoire occidentale ou l’accès à la justice semble plus que jamais incertain, j’aimerais ouvrir la conversation sur la place de la société civile et du logiciel libre dans les batailles juridiques qui s’annoncent, avec deux lectures:
Une interview de Manuella Caldelli (présidente de l’Association syndicale des magistrats) dans Médor: Elle prone l’engagement et la non neutralité et affirme « Le néolibéralisme est un fascisme »
Et des réflexions sur la production de pouvoir et la place de la justice
Boaventura de Sousa do Santos - Towards a new commonness
Chap 6: On modes of production of social power and law
Chapter 6(1).pdf (3.4 MB)
“The idea of the separation of the economic from the political, based on the state/civil society distinction and expressed in the laissez-faire principle, seems to be fraught with 2 insoluble contradictions. The first contradiction is that given the of interests in civil society, the principle of laissez-faire cannot be equally valid for all possible interests. Its internal coherence is premised upon an accepted hierarchy of interests […] The second contradiction concerns the mechanism by which the mechanism of laissez-faire is socially activated. The state is a condition of existence and reproduction of capitalist relations which operate through externality of the state vis-a-vis production. Rather then an omission this externality is the result of an active state building and state intervention, laissez-faire being one of their possible outcomes”
“The dichotomy economy/politics was essential to keep these two pictures incomparable or incommensurable. It kept them separated in such a way that the political form of social relations could never become the model for the economic form of social relations.Confined to the public place, the democratic ideal was neutralized or strongly limited in its emancipatory potential.”
“The characterization of the multiple places must emphasize the multiple dimentions of inequality and oppression in contemporary capitalist societies and in the world system as a whole, so as to map out new possible fields for relevant emancipatory struggles.”
En parallèle mais à côté, big brother awardssomatechnics et économie des corps à l’époque numérique.