PixelHumain Reading SFYW

I just discovered this while looking at a video on Fosdem by Hellekin, our organization (NGO Open Atlas ) and project (communecter.org ) resonates so much with this book that I’d love to have a call about it ? how could we proceed , we are an army of developpers ( les PixelHumain) , and when we have so much in common with ideas , I think it can be extremly productive and creative to meet up. Unfortunetly we are spread all over the world , so can it be through a call ?

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Hehe, are you recruiting? I saw you were based at La Reunion!

It’s very good you found your way around here. I have thought about contacting you but indeed time flew by and I forgot. I have looked into Communecter and what you’ve been doing with Les Pixels Humains extensively and share your vision that it would be extremely productive and creative to meet up. I think there are two ways to go:

  • one is to work on the cartographic part of our PUBLIC project.
  • another is to collaborate on Incommon.

Have a look at Migrators as well…


In the Meantime: Software Freedom in the ‘Cloud’

The :fsfe: FSFE has set up a Discourse – linked to from the Migrators group page above – to support the PMPC campaign and experiment on their own with the software I use and love. Björn Schießle, FSFE coordinator for Germany linked a interesting article he wrote last November on Free Software in the Cloud where he explores the meaning of software freedom when software is run remotely, eventually in a handful of data-centres serving “federated instances”… Here is a copy of the response I made there:


I very much agree with your vision. Indeed AGPLv3 is key here, but there are some issues still verifying the source code and the code running in the browser are the same. Even on Operating Systems, reproducible builds are still a work in progress. Promoting good software using AGPLv3 is a great start, ensuring users can verify code integrity follows, but in this regard, attempts at doing it require developer participation: LibreJS for example is not able yet to recognize much code, and will complain that code that is under the GPL may be non-free, pushing the burden on the developers to prove themselves beyond declaring their software free! In this condition, adoption of LibreJS appears seldom possible on a large scale.

Control, people need to stay in control of their data and need to be able to export/import them in order to move.

Of course! But in this domain as well, we lack proper understanding of what is possible and useful. For one, if “your data” is exportable from an instance and importable into another, are you able to keep the links to other people’s contributions that make the real riches of “your data”? Are you able to forward the URIs communicated in the wild via HTTP 301? All these “data” are beyond “your” control, that’s why we need to think beyond data ownership into public digital infrastructure so that data portability is not an issue and who controls the Web is not an issue. What you do on the Web should not be affected by where you do it, but it actually is. Is that fixable? Is that desirable to fix it? All this complexity is not addressed yet.

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Thanks for the response
wasn’t expecting so great !!
all OS organization must join hands to become a global mouvement , we all remain to underground
when are you guys available ? tuesday ?

Of course! But in this domain as well, we lack proper understanding of what is possible and useful. For one, if “your data” is exportable from an instance and importable into another, are you able to keep the links to other people’s contributions that make the real riches of “your data”? Are you able to forward the URIs communicated in the wild via HTTP 301? All these “data” are beyond “your” control, that’s why we need to think beyond data ownership into public digital infrastructure so that data portability is not an issue and who controls the Web is not an issue. What you do on the Web should not be affected by where you do it, but it actually is. Is that fixable? Is that desirable to fix it? All this complexity is not addressed yet.

I total agree , we are actually looking for thinkers cause we are already full of our own features but addressed these issues
and only think we can’t do seomthing great as a COllective :slight_smile:

we are always open to great contributors :slight_smile: especially with the open ethics, our main problem, you know well is our finances
we are currently in a critical period
we can discussed all possible options
do you know these people https://techcultivation.org/
we really need to extend our relations, developping on islands , lets us concentrate on the essence of our objectives without outside solicitations, but I really think we miss a whole lot of opportunities when you’re inside the movement ecosystem. But we made our choice , and prefer the to be marginal, poor, but super productive and in paradise than anything else :slight_smile:

all of the above my friend :slight_smile:
Migrators seems awesome!!!
let’s do something !! we can help out to map all this great people and community , to help give it weight , and show it’s massivness!!
again I feel there’s great potentiel here !!