Petites Singularités at FOSDEM

P.S.: @ FOSDEM 2018


Interestingly, @taziden from Decentralized Room team decided to handover the organization of the room for next year, preferably to a woman. He wrote in a Mastodon message:

On espère une salle plus grande l’an prochain, et qu’une nouvelle équipe d’orga se manifestera car nous souhaitons passer le flambeau !

“We’re hoping for a larger room next year, and that a new organizational team step up, as we wish to pass the torch!”

Then :

@how @bram @Siltaer @whilelm @nitot let’s do an (early) call for organizers, shall we?


  • Need to be involved in at least one cool decentralization related project
  • Better if not a cis white male

What do you say?