Voici un repérage de titres qui me paraissent pertinents pour comprendre le problème de la mine dans une perspective décoloniale.
- African Books Collective: Mining Africa
- African Books Collective: Me and My Cell Phone
- https://www.africanbookscollective.com/books/side-ways-mobile-margins-and-the-dynamics-of-communication-in-africa
- Read African Books - Congo: A Story in 26 Words by John Stedman
- Read African Books - Guerrilla Incursions into the Capitalist Mindset
- The War Below | Book by Ernest Scheyder | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster
- https://hackettpublishing.com/king-leopold-s-congo-and-the-scramble-for-africa
- https://www.politybooks.com/bookdetail?book_slug=coltan--9780745649313
- Consuming the Congo | Chicago Review Press
- https://academic.oup.com/book/45359
- University of Toronto Press - Colonial Extractions
On publishing / libraries
- https://www.africanbookscollective.com/books/never-be-silent
- African Books Collective: Progressive Librarianship
- https://www.africanbookscollective.com/books/2021-african-small-publishers-catalogue
- African Books Collective: Publishing and Development
- African Books Collective: Women in Publishing and the Book Trade in Africa