test bed

This is space to discuss the modalities of the testbed that we plan to organise for the Sargasso grant.

  • What hardware do we decide for, there is a difficult balance between cost versatility and energy consumption.
  • What are the characteristics of the physical location of the tesbed
  • How large does the test need to be in physical extension.
  • What do we expect as a results, information etc…

I have added a few hedgedoc pads for my research, the target audience is myself so it may be somewhat difficult to understand.

Low power solar docs (includes links to research of power-saving mechanisms):


super thanks for this, it will be very usefull when we strat working (ie when we know about the grant)

Hi all, small update.

Modern slavery is an issue that is widespread in the electronics industry. I believe it is critical to ensure we eliminate unethical consumption where possible. Unfortunately, this is not a simple matter, especially when dealing with Chinese suppliers as the state is systematically hiding human rights abuses in their supply lines. It is a very challenging problem, particularly in areas such as batteries and solar panels, where almost all devices made have exposure to modern slavery.

I have created a hedgedoc pad to summarize some of my research on the subject. If anyone else has some knowledge on the subject, please feel free to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much @cag it is an important issue, and very correlated to other topics we are working about in p.s.among others around mining issues.

I would like to add that forced prison labour is widespread in the US and China but does not only happens there Canada end Europe are not immune.

While it does not directly concern solar panels, one of the reason we choose to work with Olimex is to partially address those issues.