How to Climb a Moutain

In response to the remark of Sophie, that not everyone has the same relation to walking, for some of us a simple staircase can become mount everest.
This is a proposition of a quantify gaming interface that would approach both measured and contextual information. The game will encourage a diversity of approaches to walking and the consideration of each participant abilities (sometimes divergent); it will also emphasize difference in perception and attention to contextual information.

The would be based on a falsification of the recommendations found on wikihow: how to climb a mountain

in 5 tableaux.An interface for everyone to build a mountain.

####Step 1
[1 Mountains create their own weather systems (micro-climates). Learn how to read portents of bad weather, how to read the clouds, how to test wind direction, and understand what weather changes throughout the day mean for your climb.]

HOME PAGE: dialogue box proposing to participants to describe their ideal mountain, successively asking:

  • Which Climate do you think ids the best for a mountain ascentionn?
  • Which respiration type do you imagine please determine your oxygen level
  • Which height, how steep do you think you are able to climb?
  • What is the lenght of you step? I limp, my steps are 1 meter long, I am exhausted after 5mn walking…
    Chaque choix correspond à une vitesse d’ascension de la Montagne, et la moyenne des 3 critères déterminera la courbe d’ascension de la Montagne.

####Step 2
[2 Watch DVDs about mountain climbing experiences.]
First Scene: The game itself, showing the collective mountain.

  • A montain serves as a basis for each climb experience that will add a new layer to the drawing. The position of the different layers will be determined by the information collected during the first step. The number of step made during the walk will be captured by from people’s smartphone accelerometer data.
    The result will balance the number of steps with the information calculated at step 1.
    -At the bottom of the screen one can see 2 levels, and a series of icons. The first level bar represent the number of steps of all users active at that moment. The second one is a color gradient varying according to the choices made at step 1, finally personal icons represent the people using the application a each moment.


[3 Assess your mental strength. Are you a good problem-solver? Do you panic easily or resort to making rash decisions? This kind of temperament is dangerous when climbing a mountain, which needs a steady head.]
A individual questionnaire asks about the sensations during effort: During or after the walk, participants are invited to speak about what they saw or felt, mental images, sensations, interactions etc…

####Step 4
[4 Learn about mountaineering ethics. Tread softly, This code was developed for safety purposes and is essential reading for beginners.]
Cartography: Presentation of ambient environement height of the different shops access to elevators, mechanical staircases friendly people and places, water etc…

####Step 5
[5 A mountain club can offer you specialized courses in such skills as (and you need to know them all): Ice climbing, cutting ice steps, using the ice axe. etc…]

Our mountain climbing club wil lead a reflection on what are the conditions of mountain climbing, both looking at the contemporary mythology of the ascent (more then 4000 people climbed to mount everest summit, leaving behind detritus and death)
On the contrary sometimes the largest endeavors are approached by staying grounded, as Maria Reich did all her life while studying Nasca Lines. (thanks Femke)
Some links food for thoughts
Mount Everest the graveyard in the clouds a BBC report

Maria Reiche

“y permitir a las mentes abiertas recurrir al beneficio de la duda sobre
el “humanismo” del racionalismo científico. Ellos, los hombres “de
abajo”, fueron capaces de diseñar las figuras inescrutables de la vasta
llanura de Nasca; ellos lo hicieron para que fueran contempladas por
“algo” o “alguien” de “allá arriba” y nos dejaron su mensaje, no sin
antes advertir las consecuencias que podrían derivar del desconocimiento
de las leyes del universo: ignorancia y destrucción.”

###Session 7 July 2017

How to climb the Rue du Fort.

2 exercises: one with devices switched on and one without.

@ldh juliane natacha @FSN @peter Laure’s heartbeat measured from an Android app:
Beginnning of the walk 70 BPM
Middle of the walk100 BPM
End of the walk 55 then 80 BPM

j’ai senti tres fort les petites montées qui font travailler les muscles: les trottoirs par exemple, dont on a pas nécessairement conscience visuellement mais les jambes réagissent le bas du corps est plus mobilisé que le haut du corps.

Exercise one: Very aware of bright green phone in front of mouth. Antje filming. Difficult to be in contact with environment, feel a little ridiculous. Aware of low energy, related to breath; not feeling other muscles/bodyparts so much.
Exercise two: Very aware of all connections: hips, shoulders, ankles. In the middle: an accident (I had not even noticed, only after), after: different sensations, less on movement but much more aware of environment, body parts disappear in the distance.

P: exercise one: i mainly thought about the app i installed to measure steps. Pedometer is free software app. I had to push it against my leg to make it work properly. mainly looked down to the street exercise two: Looked up, the light zas very apparent and clear. pigeonsm clouds, didn,t feel like "listening2 to my body, more interested in surroundings. Strange peak of collective interest when an agression haoppened on the other side of the street which drew everybody.s attention.

resultats de l’applicqtion que Peter a installe 6 : pour la montee: 6 calories brulee 29 steps par minute 0.54 emperial miles /h +> si on prend le mile standardisé : 0.868 km/h (selon le pédomètre ) 323 marches total pour la descente: 3 calories brulee 10 steps par minute 0.065 km total 326 marches 0.12 km/h

pour la respiration marge d’erreurs de prise de mesure pour le smartphone

Au debut en montant et en pensant sur la marche et la montee, en observant un pigeon qui essayait de monter sur un auvent, c-'etait pas facile pour lui, j etais tres consciente du mouvement collectif que l on faisait en marchant ensemble, c etait joyeux de marcher ensemble. On a pu aussi observer comment un evenement dans la rue peut nous stopper soudainement sec.
Avec l apareil photo je regardais plus les autres a travers mon ecran et je pensais plus au cadre et a quoi filmer que à la marche et à la montagne.

@juliane,Prise de note: vous étiez vraiment très concentrés sur la machine.
Fait des recherches sur la standardisation des mesures le mile a ete standardise au 19e puis 20e aux usa mais certaines personnes continuent a utiliser le mile imperial qui est base sur le yard qui lui meme varie selon les regions.

@natacha: J’ai enregistre les bruits ambiants pendant notre marche la premiere montee j ai realise un enregistrement de 6mn pui a la descente il durait 11mn01 j’étais tres attentive aux bruits ambiants au passage des voitures je cherchais à entendre des bruits de natur mais il n y en avait pas, pas même d’oiseaux, j entendais le bruit de mes pas car je marchais en claquettes mais je pense que cela n aparaitra pas dans l enregistrement. Arrivee en haut j-ai enregistré ce qui se passe en haut je ne sais pas si ce sera différent.
Le deuxieme trajet sans enregistreur Le son n’était plus aussi important, d ailleurs je n ai pas entendu que la femme qui s’est fait agresser parlait une langue etrangere nous l avons observée de loin alertés par son cri ou le mouvement de foule qui voulait la defendre. Elle a reussi a conserver son sac bien que l-agresseur l ai cognée au ventre m-a t on raconte est restee avec les personnes qui l ont aidee pour porter plainte elle n avait pas l air d avoir mal.