Exercise your right to information


Access to information is a fundamental right in the EU

Greater transparency can help us address the EU’s troubled waters. Access to information about the state and quality of our water bodies is the first step towards ensuring clean and safe water for all. Information can also help us hold accountable those who are responsible for water pollution and related wrongdoing.

One of the best ways to file requests for information across Europe is to use civil society-led platforms.

You can easily file a request to information using one of these platforms in the following countries:

  • Austria, using FragDenStaat.at

  • Belgium, using Transparencia

  • Croatia, using Imamo pravo znati

  • Czech Republic, using Info Pro Všechny

  • F̷̪̤̋ṟ̵͙̾͗a̷̛̩̎n̴͙͙̿́c̸̙͙̈e̵̪͒, using MaDada @madadafr

  • Germany, using FragDenStaat.de

  • Greece, using arthro5A.gr

  • Hungary, using Ki Mit Tud

  • Netherlands, using de Woo-Knop

  • Romania, using Ia Statul la Întrebări

  • Sweden, using Handlingar

Methodology and more informations

Latin America and the Caribbean

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