AsynChroniques #3 -- 2021-05

The above in English…

Invitation to THX 2021

Hello all!

petites singularités invite you to participate this Summer to a writing residency following Prendre Soin (Taking Care) to question the modalities of resistance and collective practices of our alliances, notably in the articulation of health and peasant struggles and anti-capitalist struggles that are breaking out everywhere in the world.

THX will be an opportunity to:

  • to take stock of the ways of doing things together;
  • to examine the modes of care and self-management, the transmission of knowledge and their tools;
  • to think together about rich, funny, shared and sustainable care imaginary.

The gathering will take place in person in an autonomous place called Amarauna in Southern Basque Country, from June 28th to July 11th 2021.

All the details are available at the following link: thank you for confirming your period of presence as soon as you can!

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Thank you for your attention, your support, and your presence.

Of modes of existence of resistance networks.

Trans · Hack · eXploration

THX was the name of a meeting in 2019 that aimed to bring together hackers and philosophers to explore revolutionary, feminist, and decolonial concept sets in light of concrete approaches to technological production.

TransHack .Xist.nce…

From this gathering was born a collaborative writing space et the Archipel collective that produced in 2020, after months of discussion around the notion of taking care, an eponymous booklet:

Prendre Soin - THX

Trans · Hack · …X…

The adventure is renewed in 2021 with an invitation to live together and think in acts the relations of our woven networks, forging alliances, questioning the means to support these resistances emerging spontaneously because of the worsening of the situation, the tools of collective organization for the dispersed networks of struggles as the European collectives of carers and the peasants’ struggles…