A Third-TechnoScape Reader

Power is antithetical. Capitalism is the great devourer, the ultimate carnivorous system, that will devour itself and all life, like Orobouros with terminal cancer. The antibodies, though, slowly self-organize against this accelerating vital threat, to denounce, deconstruct, deflect, and dismiss this great autophagus, and to provide new narratives to counter its suicidal tendency. This little reader is an attempt at summarizing contemporary literature of the resistance and at bringing forward concepts and intellectual reference and tools to fight back the cancer of Capitalist civilization, to disroot its rotten core of racism, imperialism, brutality and sexism[1], to finally put an end to oppression.

This is tedious work. Words and actions mean very different things when coming from different voices, contexts, and situations. Should we reappropriate already compromised words, devoid of their original meanings, or invent new ones to convey alternate thought with less ambiguity? As we go through a number of authors and concepts, we unfold various strategies used across struggles for emancipation and against oppression. Our focus here—although the ultimate goal remains to end oppression—stays with technology and the hybridization of humans with technique, especially computing and networking technologies, so as to provide tools that we hope help to think and enact technological production and usage fostering cooperation, understanding, and effective anti-capitalist collective organization.

The reader is organized around key concepts and authors who bring singular perspectives on power relations and original approaches to understanding technologies. It assumes great influence from radical feminist thought, quantum & complexity sciences, and the variety of indigenous cultures that resisted – and hopefully still resist to – colonization and oppression in all its forms.[2]

This Third TechnoScape Reader (3TS Reader) invites the “ultra-gauche” to embrace grounded, fluid and transcultural approaches to avoid mind-locking into the dominant paradigm of accelerationist, competitive, belligerent, uprooted eternal warfare.

Osserain-Rivareyte, end of Holocene Era 0012018.

  1. This reads RIBS, in reference to the Genesis, the founding text of exploitation and discrimination—all in the name of love. ↩︎

  2. We don’t want to idealize non-dominant cultures though: only underline yet another class of oppressed people who have been a silent majority. ↩︎

Organisation de la conférence

Suite à la réunion de ce matin avec @zum, nous avons décidé d’utiliser le Discourse comme support de notre travail. Dans cette optique, nous avons reproduit ici sous forme de sujets individuels les pages du site https://3ts.lesoiseaux.io/ afin de pouvoir engager des recherches et discussions directement ici. Cela nous permettra de bénéficier des capacités de composition offertes par Discourse, tout en conservant la publication sur le dépôt Git à https://gitlab.com/3ts/3ts.gitlab.io.git.

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