[Workshop] Governance toolbox to improve our projects

Following @sabrina’s suggestion that Discourse’s “badge system” messages are encouraging, but “earning a badge” fails to strike the right chord, I changed the verb from “Earned” to “Discovered”. It’s not entirely satisfying yet, but I’m eager to pursue the experiment with caring as infrastructure, which to me sounds like another dimension of infrastructure as care.

And to diffract this with the concept of common time mentioned in the https://ps.zoethical.org/t/self-organization/2934/6?u=how topic this morning, I’d like to propose further a break from the original proposed schedule, which already naturally drifted away from linear time and preconceived time with each and everyone’s rhythm, and try and focus on this ideapraxis of care, bringing it to the https://ps.zoethical.org/t/solidarity/2936/5 session tomorrow morning.

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