Une fois pour TOOT ! A mastodon in Brussels

Sorry I will not vote here I generally do not vote for things and do not like voting processes.
As I said on Mastodon, never had ̷̑͜F̸͛̿͜á̴̜͍k̶̡̺̃̈́e̵̲̬̎b̶̹̄̏o̵̖̾͘o̶͘ͅz̴͉̺̈́̀ or ̵̻̏T̴͙̾w̵̛̲a̶̐͜t̴̟̍t̵̥̆e̸̱̚r̶̯̈́ account I thought it was out of of disgust for corporations but now after my experience of Mastodon, I think social media in itself is toxic.
I think spending time behind a keyboard is not a social experience, It probably makes sense for developpers but in my point of view not as a general social experience; for that we have bars, face to face is a lot better, for information: we have newspapers, and community led projects such as
https://talk.incommon.cc or here (I mean this forum) inhabited by a couple hundred users and where everyone is welcome to start a structured conversation, would be real great to see u around more often @alt241
My conclusion on a few monthes of Mastodon experience, i the feeling of a shower of unstructured info, non searchable information, that takes out much time a lot better spent walking in the parc and interacting with one’s neighbourghs.

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