Some notes from Dan Mc Quiilan algorythmic paranoïa and the convivial alterantive that might be of use here:
“Steve Mann and collaborators use the term ‘veillance’ to describe this matrix of observation, from the French verb “veiller” which means “to watch” (Mann, 2013). Mann’s original motivation was the
exploration of alternatives under the banner of ‘souveillance’, as in ‘sous’ (from below) rather that’sur’ (from above). With an engineering background, he realised the possibility of creating wearable devices that could watch back, using them as probes to unsettle the asymmetric nature of institutional and commercial video surveillance. In Mann’s picture the contestation is between the oversight of the institution and the undersight of the community; a struggle between social formations conducted through mediated vectors of watching (Mann and Ferenbok, 2013).” 310815468_Algorithmic_paranoia_and_the_convivial_alternative