Invitations and article reviews test for participation

I see a topic coming up. @natacha can you remind us this relevant “iGeneration” result?

It reminds me the criticism of “Prometheanism” made by François Flahault in “Le crépuscule de Prométhée”. Quoting Raymond Aron as he lost his daughter to leukemia:

Qui a assisté, impuissant, à la mort de son enfant ne sera plus tenté de souscrire à l’orgueil prométhéen.

(Who, helplessly, has witnessed the death of his child will no longer be tempted to subscribe to Promethean pride.)

Flahaut identified 4 mistakes of Prometheism:

  • To do as if the human being were not part of nature.
  • To deploy discourses on rationality that allow to ignore the human propensity to hubris
  • To deny human interdependency while nourishing the conviction that the true being of the individual is not made of the same fabric as social life.
  • To believe that it is possible to reach an unconditional and absolute self-affirmation.