Awakening Territories to Life

It’s been about a year since we started with :ps:. We took some time to blow off steam and iron a bit or two. The main reason for this redesign was the need to communicate our activity in a clearer way. As we reached one year of existence we felt the need to give a snapshot of the huge amount of things we’ve been unfolding. We wanted something easier to understand without sacrificing on our aesthetics: simplicity without reduction.

From Here to There…

More colorful, more explicit, easier to read and understand what it is about…


Here’s a screenshot of the French version. An English version will come later.

We kept the old idea of a curtain revealing various parts of our activity, except we took some care making it much lighter on the browser and CPU, and kept things (generally) simple. As usual, the site degrades gracefully and is compatible with text-based browsers. Oh, and did you notice TLS support?

Some caveats remain: we didn’t work much on the mobile version yet, and some elements are missing (like video sources and cartographic material) so if you have trouble there, please ask your navigator to browse without style – not very steampunk, but you can use wget as well; are you color-blind, visually-impaired, or even blind? Please tell us what works well and what doesn’t yet: we’re keen on keeping the accessibility high but didn’t add any Aria attributes either; some parts remain undone, but we’re working on it in our leisurely time – that means: not much. Feedforth is most welcome, especially now that you’re all out of party time and must be all relaxed and smiling and well disposed for benevolence.


Cheers, may 012018 HE bring us all peace, love, and wonder.

Participate, Engage, Cooperate!