Gender Equality Plan

March 25

Petites Singularités Gender Equality Plan

As gender equality is an official criteria this plan is made to comply with regulations that demands to work towards equal gender distribution in our structure. While petites singularités recognises privilege and patriarchal social domination, we also think gender is a social construct, and we acknowledge that under-represented bodies their voices are crucial to making our society a beautiful place, and we wish to be a vector for their expression. It is with this perspective that we propose this Gender Equality Plan.

Dedicated resources:commitment of resources and gender expertise to implement it

petites singularités is an organisation advocating for a transactional and feminist approach to technological practice, our staff includes feminist theorist and practitioners and we dedicate a 30% of our staff resource to approach gender issues in free software and digital practice.

Data collection and monitoring: sex/gender disaggregated data on personnel and students and annual reporting based on indicators

N/A petites singularités is a small scale community organisation we do not need to collect data on our personnel.

Training: Awareness raising/trainings on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for staff and decision-makers

There are guided and personal endeavours from staff and decision makers within the organisation , leading to methodological publications both on our website and printed material.

Recommended areas to be covered and addressed via concrete measures and targets

Diversity is a crucial issue in free software production and organisation, we believe the focus petites singularités puts on these crucial concerns is a drive for the community to build stronger intersectional and feminist approach to free software production.
We also support feminist self organisation channels, and feminist tech workshop that address concretely the gender discrepancy within the FLOSS environment that we work in.

Content-wise, which of the following recommended thematic areas does your Gender Equality Plan address, using concrete measures and targets?

Work-life balance and organisational culture

Yes through our Third TechnoScape approach to organisation, we redefine the relation to work life balance by assessing their interdependency and the contextual nature of the work relation that needs to acknowledge the specific needs of different communities, life stages and situations.

Gender balance in leadership and decision-making

petites singularités is a horizontal structure, decisions are taken by consensus and we make sure all voices are expressed in the process. We do have a well being team that supports persons if they need to express personal concerns, preserving their anonymity if needed.

Gender equality in recruitment and career progression

petites singularités holds an horizontal organisational model, we hold an equal salary plan across the whole structure. While our different projects are identified under the responsibility of specific persons, we make sure the initiative and their implementation are both representative and worked in collaboration with minoritised voices, particularly from racialised and global south background, we also make sure our work serves the needs of the self identified communities, would they be feminists, queer, voicing different accessibility needs or social and racial issues.

Integration of the gender dimension into research and/or teaching content

All our research and teaching material uses a feminist approach, including inclusive langage and active input from concerned persons. We do ask for revision by concerned communities, feminist practitioners and when pertinent accessibility organism of all our material to make sure we are approachable accessible and inclusive.
We hold dedicated research/action in many different communities across hacker and free software movement, including feminist and queer organisations.

Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

All our online platforms and physical meetups are equipped with behavioural guidelines and more importantly an well being team to make sure people in need can reach out to support. We inform all participants about the existence of those resources.